Something Worth Chewing On

Integrated Campaign for Vitafusion

Chew on this.

What if there was a vitamin that had the prefect mixture of healthiness, gumminess and deliciousness? And doesn’t cost an arm and a leg like the rest of the latest health trends? Well, look no further than vitafusion gummy vitamins.

Simply put, they’re something worth chewing on.

  • Jamie Perruquet (GCD)

    Chelsea Dubois (ACD)

    Courtney Harris (CW)

  • The work topped category norms across key brand metrics as well as set record highs for the brand overall.

    +4.5 pts in unaided brand awareness

    +4.3 in brand favorability

    As well as an average increase of

    +14 pts across Likability, Relevance, Novelty, and Different.




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